Hope ahead?

So much has happened recently that I have had little time for my blog. A lot of it is just boring everyday stuff so I won’t tire you with that except to say that I have not forgotten about that photo.

I had an email in my inbox from the FT today with the subject line “Signs of downturn easing” with the additional comment “Green shoots emerge”. This message comes from the President of the European Central Bank alongside a message that global equity prices have increased since March. Not all signs are so positive though and just a week before Mr Trichet had warned us that the outlook with only list when we turn the calendar pages for next year.

It is so very difficult to predict because a lot of it depends on our emotions – what do we believe? If we start spending again then the economy can get going but do we have the money to spend? Or the credit rating to allow us to do so? And if so, do we have the belief in the system?

On a different front I can certainly predict hope ahead. The next MBA cohort is shaping up nicely with lots of interesting people currently preparing to come to Edinburgh in September.  This is probably one of the most exciting times of the academic year. The incumbent class is in the process of completing the course component and move on to their final projects and the new class is waiting in the wing, well actually very much present in the Google group, with questions, comments and interesting stories to tell. Right now we are putting the finishing touches on the Joining Information for the new class and this will go live on the website early June.